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Attention to SMEs and Family Businesses

About us

At La Salle, aware that SMEs and Family Businesses are extremely important for the economy of our country due to their economic contributions and the generation and stability of jobs, and consistent with our Philosophy, we dedicated six years (from 2007 to 2013) to the research and practical application to obtain a Family Protocol Model, as well as provide comprehensive solutions to strengthen the survival, competitiveness and growth of SMEs in Mexico.

We provide specialized Consulting through Consultants certified by La Salle, for each of the areas of the companies and in particular, for the families, the development of their Family Protocol.

For the family

For the family

  • Promote unity and harmony among its members
  • Professionalize your elements as owners of a company
  • Preserve the values that make the family strong
  • Reduce the chances of future conflicts